HU Colorado Department of Human Services
- Strengthening Colorado's mental health system, a plan to safeguard all Coloradans. Enhanced community supports and services
- Colorado's community mental health and substance abuse treatment system of services and supports is fragmented and lacks the necessary resources to meet the needs of all individuals who can, and should be treated in the community. We know that once those in crisis are stabilized they are best served in their communities, not in institutional care., Description based on online resource; title from PDF caption; (viewed May 2015)
- Strengthening Colorado's mental health system, a plan to safeguard all Coloradans. Expanding the state's crisis response system
- Colorado currently has crisis response services, but not a comprehensives system in all communities statewide., Description based on online resource; title from PDF caption; (viewed May 2015)
- Strengthening Colorado's mental health system, a plan to safeguard all Coloradans. Jail-based restoration
- Throughout Colorado, judges have ordered individuals awaiting trial to be evaluated for their competency to participate in their own defense. Often times these individuals are found to be Incompetent to Proceed, meaning they must be restored to mental competency before they can stand trial for their alleged crimes. In 2010, Colorado ranked 48th in the nation in total public and private psychiatric beds., Description based on online resource; title from PDF caption; (viewed May 2015)
- Strengthening Colorado's mental health system, a plan to safeguard all Coloradans. Real-time data transfer
- Real time data transfer is designed to address the amount of time it takes to send mental health adjudication information to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for the purpose of firearm purchase background checks., Description based on online resource; title from PDF caption; (viewed May 2015)
- Strengthening Colorado's mental health system, a plan to safeguard all Coloradans. Trauma-informed care
- The Department of Human Services is changing the way staff engages with clients and patients. This new way of serving Coloradans is known as Trauma-informed Care. Essentially, previous approaches tried to answer the question "What is wrong with you?" whereas Trauma-informed Care compassionately asks "What happened to you in the past?", Description based on online resource; title from PDF caption; (viewed May 2015)
- Strengthening behavioral health initiatives
- text file, Statewide crisis response system -- Strengthening behavioral health initiatives -- Increased access to mental health institute civil beds-jail based restoration -- Trauma-informed care., Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed June 2024)
- Strengthening the behavioral health workforce in Colorado : an approach to community partnership
- "September 2022.", Includes bibliographical references (pages 42-43), Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed July 2024)
- Strengths and needs assessment of older adults in the state of Colorado
- "Prepared for [the] Colorado Department of Human Services, Division of Aging and Adult Services", "September 30, 2004", Includes bibliographical references (p. 177-178)., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
- Strong minds, strong futures : Colorado's trauma informed system of care plan
- In 2011 Colorado received a one-year system of care expansion planning grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to develop a blueprint for expanding the approach statewide. The system of care model is a noncategorical approach to improving and integrating services and supports for children and youth with serious behavioral health challenges and their families. Colorado will focus on children with serious behavioral health challenges from birth through age 25 who are in, or at imminent risk of, out of home placement. Colorado's plan centers on developing local community-based service systems supported by a state-level steering committee of the Behavioral Health Transformation Council. Key features of Colorado's system include individualized and culturally and linguistically relevant services and supports facilitated by an intensive care coordination model known as high fidelity wraparound. Colorado will be developing trauma-informed services and family advocates to assist families whose children are experiencing difficulties. Colorado will test a model of service delivery known as a care management entity, which will blend funds, integrate services and supports, and provide accountability for care across systems., Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed July 2016)
- Submitted in response to footnote 108 : FY 2002-03 Long Bill HB 02-1420
- Cover title., "October 1, 2002.", Mode of access: World Wide Web.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) combined behavioral health block grant
- Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed March 2024)
- Substance use disorder prevention works
- Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed March 2023)
- Supportive Housing and Homeless Programs, SHHP
- Caption title., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
- Survey of state child support policies, procedures and programs for incarcerated parents
- Description based on online resource; title from PDF cover; (viewed February 2012), "September 2000.", "Prepared under a grant from the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (Grant No. 90-XE-0007) to the Colorado Department of Human Services for the Multiple Intervention Grant."--P. 1., Appendix C lacking., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
- TGYS Program aggregate data report SFY 2015-16
- The Tony Grampsas Youth Services Program (TGYS) is a program provides funding to community-based organizations that serve children, youth, and their families with programs designed to 1) reduce youth crime and violence, 2) prevent youth marijuana use, and 3) prevent child abuse and neglect. Eligible TGYS applicants prevent youth marijuana use, and 3) prevent child abuse and neglect. Eligible TGYS applicants include local governments, schools, nonprofit organizations, state agencies and institutions of higher education., CSU Evaluation Team., Includes bibliographical references: pages 52-54., Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed March 2024)
- Talk and trust : identifying substance abuse among Colorado Works families : a report of the Colorado Works Program & the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division, Colorado Department of Human Services
- Cover title., "April 2003.", "Prepared under the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, State Systems Technical Assistance Project, Contract No. 270-99-27070. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.", Includes bibliographical references (p. 72)
- Task Force on the Collection and Security of Digital Images of Evidence of Child Abuse or Neglect initial report HB 16-1377, C.R.S ʹ 19-3-804 (6)
- prepared for: the Governor; the State Department; the Child Welfare Training Academy; the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police; the County Sheriffs of Colorado; the Colorado Medical Society; the Joint Budget Committee; the Public Health Care and Human Services Committee of the House; [and] the Health and Human Services Committee of the Senate., "November 17, 2017.", Prepared by Tricia Martin., Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed September 2024)
- Testing the social norms model to reduce high risk college drinking 1999-2002, final report. Fidelity Instrument
- Part I: Executive summary -- Part II: Research report -- Part III: Replication manual -- Supplemental survey., Cover title., "January 2003.", "Community Initiated Prevention Intervention Studies Research Grant #8604, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA)"--Cover.
- Testing the social norms model to reduce high risk college drinking 1999-2002, final report. Part 1: Executive Summary
- Part I: Executive summary -- Part II: Research report -- Part III: Replication manual -- Supplemental survey., Cover title., "January 2003.", "Community Initiated Prevention Intervention Studies Research Grant #8604, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA)"--Cover.