About the Digital Repository

The Colorado State Publications Library Digital Repository is a collection of born digital publications from Colorado state agencies.

The Colorado State Publications Library (CoSPL) was established by the General Assembly in 1980 as a part of the Colorado State Library and the Colorado Department of Education. The mission of the library is to provide Colorado residents with permanent public access to information produced by state government. Publications that are "born digital" are archived in the Digital Repository with links from the online catalog for the public to read and/or download. Publications that are only in print format are acquired, shelved in the library collection, and loaned to the public. As budget permits, most print publications will eventually be digitized and archived.

CoSPL staff will answer questions regarding state publications and state information in general by calling 720-955-5230 or emailing spl@cde.state.co.us.

What are state publications?
State publications are valuable sources of information published in print and electronic formats by state agencies that include annual reports, budgets, planning reports, newsletters, consumer information, legislative reports, and directories. They cover a wide variety of topics including health, business, education, crime, agriculture, mining, employment, taxes, water quality, wildlife, and the environment.

The State Publications Library obtains publications from:

  • State Agencies
  • The General Assembly
  • The Governor's Office
  • The Supreme Court
  • Boards and Commissions
  • State Colleges and Universities

Where can I find a list of publications?
The library's collection of over 26,000 titles can be searched through the Colorado State Publications Library web site, using Pandora: The Library Catalog.