Coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted almost every aspect of society, including the criminal justice system, leaving crowded courts, prisons and jails especially susceptible to the outbreak. This memorandum provides an overview of how prisons in Colorado are reacting to this public health emergency.
"The Fort Lewis College Data Book is a compilation of financial information and graphs which can be used to show history and trends in many areas at Fort Lewis College. Assembling the information in a single document aids in dissemination of financial information about the College. The Data Book is updated and reissued each January."-- P. 1, 1999.
This study investigated the use of infrared thermometers to detect hot or defective brakes on trucks traveling through the eastbound Port Of Entry (POE) on I-70 in Dumont, CO. The objective of this evaluation was to develop brake temperature screening criteria that can be used to identify potential brake-related problems.
COGCC Special Project 2136 (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) Study) was initiated in 2014. COGCC staff undertook a sampling program to collect representative samples of selected E&P waste for analytical laboratory evaluation for NORM. Because of the widespread practice of beneficial reuse of drill cuttings as an agricultural soils amendment, staff determined that evaluation of NORM levels in drill cuttings was an appropriate focus for this information gathering study. This study focused on drill cuttings from recent well drilling in the Greater Wattenberg Field in Weld County.