This resource guide is intended only as an opening for the exploration of Native Americans in Colorado and their points of contact with Europeans whose presence altered indigenous lifestyles. Though many peoples lived and traveled in what is now Colorado, only the Arapaho, Cheyenne and Ute peoples have been featured in this resource guide for purposes of brevity. The lack of inclusion in this resource guide in no way diminishes the contributions of the Apache, Comanche, Kiowa, Pawnee, Shoshone and others who made their mark.
In early 2012, Colorado joined with 48 other states and federal agencies reached an historic $25.0 billion settlement with the five major banks regarding their foreclosure practices. Colorado was awarded $51.17 million. The relief provided for under this settlement was designed to slow the foreclosure crisis and boost the housing market.
This issue brief gives an overview of agriculture in Colorado, including the Colorado Proud label, the wine industry in the state, and a map showing the economic value of agriculture in each county.
A detailed environmental analysis was conducted and potential impacts associated with the No Action Alternative and Preferred Alternative were documented. Mitigation measures to be implemented with the Preferred Alternative were identified in the EA. No significant impacts to the environment were identified during the course of this study.
Homelessness, housing instability, as well as limited and inaccessible services, affects our Veterans, families with children, youth, senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and those whom experience chronic homelessness. Furthermore, the needs of each population are significant, diverse, and specific. We are called upon as a state to organize ourselves, collaborate, and direct our limited resources to efficiently, effectively, and elegantly serve our neighbors in need. Not only is it the right and humane thing to do, but it is also the smart thing to do.