The original guide, featured western state facilities. The revised guide expands the publication that Colorado Division of Wildlife developed to include blinds from eastern states.--P. 4.
The selected amended remedy for OUs 3 and 4 adds an additional remedial action component, an on-site repository, to the previously selected remedial actions.
This guidebook was written to provide Colorado schools and districts with research-based information and best practices to support the ongoing development of their visual and performing arts programs. The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) has worked to develop instructional resources for arts education that reflect the cultural diversity and interests of both urban and rural communities.
As cases of COVID-19 rise exponentially, many counties are moving to more restrictive policies regarding gatherings, restaurants, services, and events. The current COVID-19 Dial includes recommendations for the learning environment for schools. A review of Colorado's public health data reveal that in general, schools have been successful in implementing school guidance, and that strategies such as cohorting, mask wearing and disease investigation seem to be working to prevent school outbreaks. This paper is intended to help school districts and charter schools weigh the cost/benefit of in-person learning during a rise in viral transmission.