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Accountability work group
The tables below summarize the major planned revisions to the District and School Performance Framework reports, organized by performance indicator for the fall 2017 release. If not specifically mentioned below, the 2017 performance frameworks will mirror the 2016 frameworks.
2017 performance framework : planned revisions
The tables below summarize the major planned revisions to the District and School Performance Framework reports, organized by performance indicator for the fall 2017 release. If not specifically mentioned below, the 2017 performance frameworks will mirror the 2016 frameworks.
2018 performance framework : planned revisions
The tables below summarize the major planned revisions to the District and School Performance Framework reports, organized by performance indicator for the fall 2018 release. If not specifically mentioned below, the 2018 performance frameworks will mirror the 2017 frameworks.
Youth & Families Bridges Project 2013-2017 grant-end report
The Youth and Family Bridges Project (Bridges Project) served youth with substance use disorders, including those with co-occurring mental health disorders throughout Colorado from September 2013 to August 2017. Bridges used the evidence-based practice Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach (A-CRA) along with Assertive Continuing Care (ACC), a continuing care intervention. A-CRA is a behavioral therapy that uses familial, social, and educational/vocational reinforcement and skill training to support treatment and recovery from substance use behavior. The evidence-based practice has been shown to be effective in the treatment of both adolescents (12-17 years old) and transitional age youth (18-24 years old)
Colorado Main Street Program community building and partnerships toolkit
This short reference guide will lead you through one of the most important parts of the Main Street program: relationship building. We know your time is precious, and that's why we've condensed the key points so you can get information quickly and efficiently. If you'd like to read more, we have several in depth Appendices on topics to take you to the next level. Now go out, make friends and have fun!
Opportunities to improve sensitive habitat and movement route connectivity for Colorado's big game species
The West's iconic big game species, such as bighorn sheep, pronghorn, elk, moose, and mule deer are important to natural systems, sporting enthusiasts, and local economies, but some species and local populations have suffered significant declines in recent decades. Between 2007 and 2013, Colorado's estimated statewide deer populations declined from roughly 600,000 deer to approximately 390,000 deer. While disease, competition, and predation contribute to these dwindling numbers, habitat loss and fragmentation stemming from residential, recreational, and industrial development -- compounded by the long-term effects of climate change -- present risk to these species. Preserving contiguous swaths of the sagebrush, grassland, and forest landscapes that big game rely on for winter range, and facilitating sfe passage along migration and movement routes -- within and between seasonal ranges -- are priorities for wildlife and land managers in Colorado. The goal of this report is to identify, evaluate, and recommend priorities for a range of regulatory, policy, and legislative approaches to ensure the health of Colorado's big game herds and solidify Colorado's status as the national leader in big game management and conservation.
Planning for hazards, land use solutions for Colorado
This document enables counties and municipalities to prepare for and mitigate multiple hazards by integrating resilience and hazard mitigation principles into plans, codes, and standards related to land use and the built environment. This guide provides detailed, Colorado-specific information about how to assess a community's risk level to hazards and how to implement numerous land use planning tools and strategies for reducing a community's risk. This guide provides detailed descriptions of a range of land use planning mechanisms that can be used to reduce risk to hazards.
Marshall Mine underground coal fire report of investigations
On December 30, 2021, a destructive wildfire, called the Marshall Wildfire, started near State Highway 93 and Marshall Road and burned eastward through the Site. Following the fire, DRMS requested that Tetra Tech complete a preliminary investigation of the conditions across the approximately 7.5-acre southern portion of the Marshall Mesa Underground Coal Fire site which is located near the southwest corner of the Marshall Wildfire impacted area. From March 2022 to August 2023, the investigation expanded to include both the southern AOI and the approximately 17.5-acre area north of the Site or northern AOI. The goal of this continuing investigation is to ascertain subsurface conditions and potential mine fire activity and includes Site-wide (both northern and southern AOI's) microgravity geophysical surveys, drilling and geologic investigation, monitoring well installation and hydrogeologic evaluation, and ongoing subsurface temperature monitoring. This report summarizes findings from the investigations.