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2006-2007 Colorado Energy $aving [sic] Partners field standards funded by the United States Department of Energy and Xcel Energy
2006-2007 Colorado Energy Saving Partners field standards funded by the United States Department of Energy and Xcel Energy Colorado Energy Saving Partners field standards funded by the United States Department of Energy and Xcel Energy
Colorado. Governor's Office of Energy Management and Conservation. Saturn Resource Management.
Colorado Governor's Office of Energy Management and Conservation Saturn Resource Management Inc.
Denver, Colo.
The purpose of this document is to provide a clear and brief summary of the requirements and procedures of the Colorado Energy $aving Partners weatherization program.
Cover title. "This field guide is the product of a collaborative effort, involving meetings in 2004, 2005 & 2006."
Energy conservation Dwellings Insulation
Xcel Energy. United States. Dept. of Energy.
1 digital file (196 p. : ill. ; 6807 KB)