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S Colorado Department of State
- Report of investigation of accessibility to polling place precinct #1350903206, August 10, 2004 primary election
- Report of the Colorado Secretary of State and the Executive Director of the Department of Revenue, pursuant to Section 12-9-103 (6), C.R.S. concerning findings and recommendations on the desirability and practicability of transferring responsibility for l
- Report of the Colorado Task Force on Information Technology
- Report to Colorado General Assembly's House of Representatives and Senate State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committees regarding: Needs assessment of the current state of voting and registration system technology including the Statewide voter registrat
- Report to the Voter Access and Modernized Elections Commission, approach to voting equipment and certification studies required by House bill 13-1303
- Requests for information
- Review of 2014 general election results for Boulder county
- SCORE II mock election evaluation
- SCORE feasibility assessment
- State of Colorado response to responder questions for the Request for information on enterprise facility for operational recovery/readiness/response and transition (eFOR³T support project
- State of Colorado roster of elected officers and tabulated statement of the votes cast for the several candidates : in the several counties of the state at the general election held on%2
- Statewide Colorado Registration and Election, SCORE, assessment : program assessment for the Colorado Department of State
- Teller County primary election report
- The Colorado business intelligence center : an innovative plan for public data management and economic growth
- The Colorado general election 2014: intermittent loss of connectivity between Voter Service and Polling Center (VSPCs) and the Colorado statewide voter registration database
- The Constitution of the state of Colorado : adopted in convention, March 14, 1876 : also the Address of the Convention to the people of Colorado : election, Saturday, July 1, 1876
- The following report is submitted to the Joint Budget Committee in response to Footnote 236 of the 2002 Long Bill
- The path forward to a uniform voting system
- Tips on wise giving