NR Colorado Department of Natural Resources


Mine safety standards
Mine safety standards
Print version record.
Mined land reclamation in Colorado : an overview
Mined land reclamation in Colorado : an overview
Cover title., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Mineral and water resources of Colorado
Mineral and water resources of Colorado
"Prepared at the request of Senator Gordon Allott of Colorado of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Senate.", Geology. Topography ; Stratigraphy ; Structure ; Economic geology ; Topographic and geologic mapping -- The mineral industry in Colorado -- Mineral fuels and associated resources. Coal ; Oil and gas ; Oil shale ; Rock asphalt and solid asphaltic bitumens -- Metallic mineral resources. Precious- and base-metals : gold, silver, zinc, lead, and copper ; Ferrous metals ; Miscellaneous metals -- Nonmetallic and industrial minerals. Alunite ; Barite ; Fluorspar ; Gem stones ; Pegmatite minerals ; Salts of sodium and potassium ; Sulfur -- Construction materials. Cement rock ; Clays ; Gypsum and anhydrite ; Lightweight aggregates ; Limestone for sugar refining ; Metallurgical limestone ; Sand and gravel ; Stone -- Commodities of little importance in Colorado -- Water resources. Surface water ; Ground water ; Utilization and storage ; Sources of data ; Waterpower., Description based on print version record., Includes bibliographical references (p. 281-283).
Mineral deposits of the western slope
Mineral deposits of the western slope
Includes bibliographical references (p.62-72) and index., Description based on print version record.
Mineral resources and mining potential in the Idaho Springs vicinity, Clear Creek County, Colorado
Mineral resources and mining potential in the Idaho Springs vicinity, Clear Creek County, Colorado
prepared for the City of Idaho Springs by Stephen D. Schwochow., Includes 2 plates: Plate 1. Geology, metallic mineral resources and mines in the Idaho Springs vicinity, Colorado. 1:6000 -- Plate 2. Gravel resources in the Idaho Springs vicinity, Colorado. 1:12000., Plate 1 has an index of "Mines listed by quadrants.", Bibliography: pages 7-9., Print version record.
Mineral resources maps, Moffat County, Colorado
Mineral resources maps, Moffat County, Colorado
Sheet 1: Coal, uranium, geothermal resources, and metallic minerals -- Sheet 2: Oil & gas, oil shale, sand & gravel -- Sheet 3. [Text]., Digital maps lack series title and state agency names., Photocopy; blue line print., "Dec. 1975.", Includes location diagrams and coal sections on Sheets 1 and 2 ; figures and tables on Sheet 3., Relief on geologic map shown by contours and spot heights., "Selected references" on Sheet 3.
Mineral resources of Colorado
Mineral resources of Colorado
Includes bibliographical references and index., Part 1. Metals, nonmetals, and fuels / by John W. Vanderwilt -- Part 2. Summaries of mining districts and mineral deposits / prepared under the general supervision of W.S. Burbank -- Part 3. Investigations of strategic mineral resources / by W.M. Traver, Jr., Description based on print version record.
Mineral resources of Colorado.
Mineral resources of Colorado.
Mineral resources of Colorado -- Special section on metals -- Oil shale-coal -- Petroleum and natural gas., Includes bibliographical references and index., Description based on print version record.
Mineral waters of Colorado
Mineral waters of Colorado
Includes bibliographical references (p. 470) and index., Description based on print version record.
Mining history of Colorado
Mining history of Colorado
Caption title., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Model for preparing a dam safety emergency preparedness plan
Model for preparing a dam safety emergency preparedness plan
Caption title., "April 1997.", Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Model sampling and analysis plan rules 609 and 318.e(4)
Model sampling and analysis plan rules 609 and 318.e(4)
The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) has prepared this model sampling and analysis plan for parties who engage in sampling and analysis activities for Rule 609 - Statewide Groundwater Sampling and Monitoring and Rule 318A.e(4) - Groundwater Baseline Sampling and Monitoring in the Greater Wattenberg Area (GWA). This document will be modified as necessary based on new procedures, protocols, and other information that need to be incorporated to meet the objectives of the new rules., Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission., "May 1, 2013.", Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed March 2019)
Moffat collection system project, fish and wildlife enhancement plan
Moffat collection system project, fish and wildlife enhancement plan
The City and County of Denver, acting by and through its Board of Water Commissioners (Denver Water) is proposing to construct the Moffat Collection System Project (Moffat Project), a project designed to provide 18,000 acre-feet (AF) per year of new water supply to Denver Water's customers. The purpose of this Fish and Wildlife Mitigation Plan (FWMP) for the Moffat Project is to comply with the requirements of Colorado state law (CRS 37-60-122.2), as implemented by the procedural rules for the Colorado Wildlife Commission., prepared for the Colorado Wildlife Commission in accordance with CRS 37-60-122.2 ; prepared by Denver Water in partnership with Municipal Subdistrict, Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District., "June 9, 2011.", Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed March 2020)
Moffat collection system project, fish and wildlife mitigation plan
Moffat collection system project, fish and wildlife mitigation plan
The City and County of Denver, acting by and through its Board of Water Commissioners (Denver Water) is proposing to construct the Moffat Collection System Project (Moffat Project), a project designed to provide 18,000 acre-feet (AF) per year of new water supply to Denver Water's customers. The purpose of this Fish and Wildlife Mitigation Plan (FWMP) for the Moffat Project is to comply with the requirements of Colorado state law (CRS 37-60-122.2), as implemented by the procedural rules for the Colorado Wildlife Commission., prepared for the Colorado Wildlife Commission in accordance with CRS 37-60-122.2 ; prepared by Denver Water., "June 9, 2011.", Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed March 2020)
Molybdenum deposits of Colorado
Molybdenum deposits of Colorado
Includes bibliographical references (p. 120-123) and index., Description based on print version record.
Monitoring swift fox using remote cameras in eastern Colorado
Monitoring swift fox using remote cameras in eastern Colorado
Swift foxes (Vulpes velox) are a priority conservation species throughout the western prairie regions of the United States. A variety of methods has been used to survey and monitor the status of swift populations throughout the species range. We conducted surveys using a non-noninvasive approach to evaluate the status of the swift fox in eastern Colorado. From August through October 2011, we used remote infrared cameras and a skunk-based lure on 52 grids to estimate detection and occupancy rates of swift fox populations in eastern Colorado., Marty Stratman., "March 2012.", Bibliography: pages 17-22., Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed October 2016)
Moose data analysis unit plan M-4 Southwest Colorado 2005, game management units 66, 67, 68, 74, 75, 751, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 and 81
Moose data analysis unit plan M-4 Southwest Colorado 2005, game management units 66, 67, 68, 74, 75, 751, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 and 81
prepared by Chuck Wagner., "Approved by the Colorado Wildlife Commission 2006.", Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed June 2017)
Moose data analysis unit plan, DAU M-1, North Park game management units 6, 16, 17, 161, 171
Moose data analysis unit plan, DAU M-1, North Park game management units 6, 16, 17, 161, 171
prepared by Jeff Yost., "Spring 2008.", Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed September 2019)
