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Trend and data analysis San Juan Basin water quality analysis project, San Juan Basin, Colorado. Appendix A, Non-Detect Results with No Detection Limit
Amec Foster Wheeler (Firm) AMEC Foster Wheeler (Firm)
Colorado. Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.
AMEC Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc.
Denver, Colo.
The Fruitland Formation of the San Juan Basin extends from southwestern Colorado into New Mexico and is the most productive coalbed methane (CBM) reservoir in the United States. Data and trend analysis were performed to assess the distribution and long-term changes in the groundwater quality in the San Juan Basin. The intent of the analysis was to identify any short or long-term trends that might indicate that oil and gas drilling and production activities are impacting domestic water wells in the San Juan Basin. Therefore, emphasis was placed on a subset of constituents that could indicate potential impacts from CBM drilling and production activities.
submitted to: Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission ; submitted by: AMEC Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. "June 26, 2015." Includes bibliographical references (pages 6-7). Project No. 32820023.
Methane Water quality Gas seepage Greenhouse gas mitigation
4 online files in one folder : illustrations, maps.