TRA Colorado Department of Transportation


Strategic evaluation of different topical protection systems for bridge decks and the associated life-cycle cost analysis
Strategic evaluation of different topical protection systems for bridge decks and the associated life-cycle cost analysis
Strategic plan for the Colorado Scenic and Historic Byways Commission
Strategic plan for the Colorado Scenic and Historic Byways Commission
Strategic plan for traffic records improvements 2012-2015
Strategic plan for traffic records improvements 2012-2015
Strategic planning and 2010 action plan summary report
Strategic planning and 2010 action plan summary report
Strictly enforcing Colorado seat belt laws to save lives
Strictly enforcing Colorado seat belt laws to save lives
Structure concept report, 4th St (SH 96A) Bridge over the Arkansas River and Pueblo rail yard, Pueblo, Colorado
Structure concept report, 4th St (SH 96A) Bridge over the Arkansas River and Pueblo rail yard, Pueblo, Colorado
Studies of environmental effects of magnesium chloride deicer in Colorado
Studies of environmental effects of magnesium chloride deicer in Colorado
Studies on the use of high-performance concrete and FRP reinforcement for the I-225/Parker Road bridge
Studies on the use of high-performance concrete and FRP reinforcement for the I-225/Parker Road bridge
Study on the effects of mixture proportioning on the strength and cracking tendency of S50 structural concrete
Study on the effects of mixture proportioning on the strength and cracking tendency of S50 structural concrete
Study on the use of self-consolidating concrete for the repair of the Mead bridges on I-25
Study on the use of self-consolidating concrete for the repair of the Mead bridges on I-25
Study on the use of self-consolidating concrete on the Interstate 25 bridge replacement in Trinidad, CO
Study on the use of self-consolidating concrete on the Interstate 25 bridge replacement in Trinidad, CO
Summary of Front Range passenger rail major Issues & strategic considerations
Summary of Front Range passenger rail major Issues & strategic considerations
Supporting pavement maintenance decisions of low-volume roads in Colorado using optimization analysis and artificial-intelligence techniques
Supporting pavement maintenance decisions of low-volume roads in Colorado using optimization analysis and artificial-intelligence techniques
Surface chloride levels in Colorado structural concrete
Surface chloride levels in Colorado structural concrete
Survey of Colorado motorcyclists, 2006
Survey of Colorado motorcyclists, 2006
Sustainable stabilization of sulfate-bearing soils with expansive soil-rubber technology
Sustainable stabilization of sulfate-bearing soils with expansive soil-rubber technology
Sustaining nature and community in the Pikes Peak Region : a source book for analyzing regional cumulative effects
Sustaining nature and community in the Pikes Peak Region : a source book for analyzing regional cumulative effects
Synthesis of pavement noise studies conducted for the Colorado Department of Transportation
Synthesis of pavement noise studies conducted for the Colorado Department of Transportation
Synthesis report on the use and design of snow sheds to protect transportation corridors against avalanches
Synthesis report on the use and design of snow sheds to protect transportation corridors against avalanches
Synthetic vs wooden snow fence
Synthetic vs wooden snow fence
