Injuries are common, costly, and preventable. In Colorado, injury (including unintentional injuries and violence) is the third leading cause of death, ranking below cancer and heart disease. Injury is the leading cause of death for Coloradans ages 1 to 44 years old. Each year, 3,700 Coloradans die from injuries, a loss that affects the individuals, their families and friends, their community and society. In addition to the human toll, injury deaths create a substantial economic burden. In Colorado, injury deaths in 2013 led to over $3.2 billion in combined medical costs and work-loss costs. Additionally, for every injury death among Coloradans, there are almost 10 injury hospitalizations and 100 emergency department visits. Each year, there are 30,000 hospitalizations and 302,000 emergency department visits for non-fatal injuries among Colorado residents.