SC Colorado Supreme Court


Delinquent peer influence on offending versatility : can peers promote specialized delinquency
Delinquent peer influence on offending versatility : can peers promote specialized delinquency
Departamento de libertad condicional de Colorado, programa de notificación a víctimas
Departamento de libertad condicional de Colorado, programa de notificación a víctimas
Dependencia de Colorado y deliberación de abandono
Dependencia de Colorado y deliberación de abandono
Dependency mediation in Colorado's fourth Judicial District
Dependency mediation in Colorado's fourth Judicial District
Do relationships matter? : examining the quality of probation officers' interactions with parolees in preventing recidivism
Do relationships matter? : examining the quality of probation officers' interactions with parolees in preventing recidivism
Do we care what offenders think?
Do we care what offenders think?
Does training and coaching matter? : an 18-month evaluation of a community supervision model
Does training and coaching matter? : an 18-month evaluation of a community supervision model
Dosage is more than just counting program hours : the importance of role-playing in treatment outcomes
Dosage is more than just counting program hours : the importance of role-playing in treatment outcomes
EBP : What is it and what does it mean for Colorado probation?
EBP : What is it and what does it mean for Colorado probation?
Early neutral assessments : a pilot project of the 17th JD
Early neutral assessments : a pilot project of the 17th JD
Early termination of supervision : no compromise to community safety
Early termination of supervision : no compromise to community safety
Educational law in the child welfare system : a multi-disciplinary curriculum for improvement of the child welfare system
Educational law in the child welfare system : a multi-disciplinary curriculum for improvement of the child welfare system
Effective community-based supervision of young offenders
Effective community-based supervision of young offenders
Effective supervision strategies: Do frequent PO changes affect client outcomes
Effective supervision strategies: Do frequent PO changes affect client outcomes
Effects of speech clarity on recognition memory for spoken sentences
Effects of speech clarity on recognition memory for spoken sentences
Efficacy of frequent monitoring with swift, certain, and modest sanctions for violations : insights from South Dakota's 24/7 sobriety project
Efficacy of frequent monitoring with swift, certain, and modest sanctions for violations : insights from South Dakota's 24/7 sobriety project
Employment, peers, and life-course transitions
Employment, peers, and life-course transitions
Engaging & empowering youth : youth feedback about their GAL and court experiences as well as other youth participation data
Engaging & empowering youth : youth feedback about their GAL and court experiences as well as other youth participation data
Estableciendo una relacion con sus hijos : informacion importante sobre el regimen de vistas en Colorado
Estableciendo una relacion con sus hijos : informacion importante sobre el regimen de vistas en Colorado
Establishing a risk-dosage research agenda : implications for policy and practice
Establishing a risk-dosage research agenda : implications for policy and practice
