NR Colorado Department of Natural Resources


Recommended survey protocol and actions to protect nesting burrowing owls when conducting prairie dog control
Recommended survey protocol and actions to protect nesting burrowing owls when conducting prairie dog control
Reconnaissance engineering geology report for Planning District 9, State of Colorado
Reconnaissance engineering geology report for Planning District 9, State of Colorado
Reconnaissance engineering geology report for Planning District l, State of Colorado
Reconnaissance engineering geology report for Planning District l, State of Colorado
Reconnaissance engineering geology report for planning districts 7 & 13 State of Colorado
Reconnaissance engineering geology report for planning districts 7 & 13 State of Colorado
Reconnaissance field investigation of surface-water specific conductance in the Snowmass-Glenwood Springs area, west-central Colorado
Reconnaissance field investigation of surface-water specific conductance in the Snowmass-Glenwood Springs area, west-central Colorado
Reconnaissance report surface and subsurface flooding for the town of San Luis, Colorado
Reconnaissance report surface and subsurface flooding for the town of San Luis, Colorado
Reconnaissance study of coal fires in inactive Colorado coal mines
Reconnaissance study of coal fires in inactive Colorado coal mines
Reconstitution of 1979 flood peaks, North Clear Creek, Gregory Gulch, and Chase Gulch
Reconstitution of 1979 flood peaks, North Clear Creek, Gregory Gulch, and Chase Gulch
Records and logs of selected wells and test holes, and chemical analyses of ground water, Yuma County, Colorado
Records and logs of selected wells and test holes, and chemical analyses of ground water, Yuma County, Colorado
Red Feather-Poudre Canyon deer herd management plan data analysis unit D-4, game management units 7, 8, 9, 19, 191
Red Feather-Poudre Canyon deer herd management plan data analysis unit D-4, game management units 7, 8, 9, 19, 191
Red Feather-Poudre Canyon deer herd management plan data analysis unit D-4, game management units 7, 8, 9, 19, 191
Red Feather-Poudre Canyon deer herd management plan data analysis unit D-4, game management units 7, 8, 9, 19, 191
Redbelly dace : assessing habitat quality for priority wildlife species in Colorado wetlands
Redbelly dace : assessing habitat quality for priority wildlife species in Colorado wetlands
Regional deer-vehicle accident research : final report
Regional deer-vehicle accident research : final report
Regulation of geothermal energy development in Colorado
Regulation of geothermal energy development in Colorado
Regulation of geothermal energy development in Colorado
Regulation of geothermal energy development in Colorado
Regulations relative to the construction, equipment and operation of metalliferous mines, mills and metallurgical plants, recommendations and mineral production for 1905
Regulations relative to the construction, equipment and operation of metalliferous mines, mills and metallurgical plants, recommendations and mineral production for 1905
Regulatory analysis of the proposed revisions to the mineral rules and regulations of the Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Board for hard rock, metal and designated mining operations
Regulatory analysis of the proposed revisions to the mineral rules and regulations of the Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Board for hard rock, metal and designated mining operations
Renibacterium salmoninarum transmission research : transmission of renibacterium salmoninarum (bacterial kidney disease) in hatchery-reared fish
Renibacterium salmoninarum transmission research : transmission of renibacterium salmoninarum (bacterial kidney disease) in hatchery-reared fish
Report of September 2013 Little Thompson River flooding and Big Elk Meadows dam failures
Report of September 2013 Little Thompson River flooding and Big Elk Meadows dam failures
Report of data pertinent to Lake San Cristobal
Report of data pertinent to Lake San Cristobal
