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NR Colorado Department of Natural Resources
- Recommended survey protocol and actions to protect nesting burrowing owls when conducting prairie dog control
- Reconnaissance engineering geology report for Planning District 9, State of Colorado
- Reconnaissance engineering geology report for Planning District l, State of Colorado
- Reconnaissance engineering geology report for planning districts 7 & 13 State of Colorado
- Reconnaissance field investigation of surface-water specific conductance in the Snowmass-Glenwood Springs area, west-central Colorado
- Reconnaissance report surface and subsurface flooding for the town of San Luis, Colorado
- Reconnaissance study of coal fires in inactive Colorado coal mines
- Reconstitution of 1979 flood peaks, North Clear Creek, Gregory Gulch, and Chase Gulch
- Records and logs of selected wells and test holes, and chemical analyses of ground water, Yuma County, Colorado
- Red Feather-Poudre Canyon deer herd management plan data analysis unit D-4, game management units 7, 8, 9, 19, 191
- Red Feather-Poudre Canyon deer herd management plan data analysis unit D-4, game management units 7, 8, 9, 19, 191
- Redbelly dace : assessing habitat quality for priority wildlife species in Colorado wetlands
- Regional deer-vehicle accident research : final report
- Regulation of geothermal energy development in Colorado
- Regulation of geothermal energy development in Colorado
- Regulations relative to the construction, equipment and operation of metalliferous mines, mills and metallurgical plants, recommendations and mineral production for 1905
- Regulatory analysis of the proposed revisions to the mineral rules and regulations of the Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Board for hard rock, metal and designated mining operations
- Renibacterium salmoninarum transmission research : transmission of renibacterium salmoninarum (bacterial kidney disease) in hatchery-reared fish
- Report of September 2013 Little Thompson River flooding and Big Elk Meadows dam failures
- Report of data pertinent to Lake San Cristobal