The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) secured Severance Tax Funding for a series of scientific studies known collectively as the 3M Project (Mapping, Modeling, and Monitoring). The Colorado Geological Survey (CGS) was asked to provide the basic mapping components in the form of a geological map of the Fruitland Formation coals as well as subsurface well log cross sections from the outcrop to the Colorado-New Mexico border. A 1:16,000 geologic map was produced along the Fruitland Formation and Pictured Cliffs Sandstone outcrop. It shows the surface extent of the various Fruitland coal beds from the north end of the Southern Ute Indian Reservation at Ridges Basin to the Archuleta County line, a distance of approximately 26 miles. The stratigraphic relationship and lateral continuity of these coalbeds is demonstrated, as are areas of major seeps, distressed vegetation, clinker, springs, coal mines, and high soil gas readings.