The State of Colorado is rapidly emerging as a leader in the electric vehicle (EV) market. According to the ZEV Sales Dashboard, as of August 2017 there were 11,238 EVs in Colorado. Over the first eight months of 2017, EV sales were up 73% over the same period in 2016. Battery electric vehicles (BEV) comprised 70% of total EV sales with plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) making up the remainder. With increased adoption, the State of Colorado stands to reap significant air quality benefits. Under the Colorado EV Market Implementation Study's high growth rate projection, by 2030 Colorado could have close to one million EVs on the road.7 By achieving this growth rate, Colorado could experience an annual reduction of ozone forming pollutants estimated at 800 tons of nitrogen oxide (NOx), 800 tons of volatile organic compounds (VOC), and up to 3 million tons of GHG.