The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has requested an evaluation of alternatives for the permanent closure of the Reynolds Adit at the Summitville Mine Superfund Site (SMSS). The Reynolds Adit was driven in the late 1890s through early 1900s. The adit was to dewater the upper workings (thereby facilitating mining) in South Mountain and used to serve as an ore-haulage route for ore produced from these upper workings. During the most recent mining operations at South Mountain (1984 through 1992), Summitville Consolidated Mining Company Incorporated (SCMCI) developed the South Mountain mineral reserves as an open pit, heap leach gold mine. As a result of SCMCI's mining activities, the rate of water discharging from the adit increased and the concentrations of metals in the adit discharge also increased. EPA assumed responsibility for the SMSS in December 1992. EPA plugged the adit with a bulkhead in 1994 as part of their emergency response actions.