The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) adopted its first-ever Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan in October, 2012. Its purpose was to establish a direction for improving biking and walking throughout Colorado. The Plan also provided performance measures that would gauge improvements as well as provide guidance for investment decisions. As the Plan began to be implemented, it was determined that the performance measures needed to focus more on key system-level measures rather than individual project-level measures. As such, the measures identified in Chapter IV were revisited. Because the revisions only apply to performance measures, we did not change any information as it was originally presented. Instead, we created a new appendices that looks at system-wide measurements including: bicycle and pedestrian crash rates, bicycle accommodation on the state's roadways, and obesity rates. Evaluating these three measurements would allow us to provide baseline statewide data for the performance measures, identify existing data trends, and propose targets that represent significant improvement.