For 2012, Colorado is estimated to have 2,901,554 total jobs comprised of 2,455,333 wage and salary (W&S) jobs and 446,221 self-employed proprietor jobs. The 2012 total jobs figure is an increase of 2.4%, or 67,195 jobs, over the prior year -- the second consecutive period of year-over-year job growth. Of the 67,195 increase in jobs, 61,660 are attributable to W&S employment gains and 5,535 jobs to proprietor gains. The annual average growth rates in W&S and proprietor jobs are 2.6% and 1.3%, respectively. More encouragingly, the 2012 W&S gains of 61,660 jobs alone exceed the total job growth posted from 2010 to 2011 - 46,149 jobs.