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Guidelines for hazard classification
Ward, Jason.
Blair, John G. Jackson, Garrett.
Colorado. Division of Water Resources. Dam Safety Branch
State of Colorado Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources, Office of the State Engineer, Colorado Dam Safety Branch
Denver, Colo.
This guidance document has been created to provide a technical guide for dam safety engineers and the engineering community involved with the design of dams and safety evaluation of existing dams under the Colorado Revised Statutes and the "Rules and Regulations for Dam Safety and Dam Construction (DWR, 2007)" The considerations and guidelines described herein are intended to establish consistency in the analysis and review of dam safety projects in Colorado. The Hazard Classification Guidelines should not be considered a design standard, but should be adopted for determining the hazard classification for each specific project and provide justification for the applicable design requirements and standards contained in the Rules. The State Engineer will make the final determination of the appropriate hazard classification for a given dam.
"This document was prepared by Colorado dam safety engineers Jason Ward, John G. Blair, and Garrett Jackson...."--Page 1. "November 15, 2010." Bibliography: page 9. Description based on online resource; title from PDF cover; (viewed June 2015)
Dams Dam safety
1 online resource (9 pages)