sponsored and prepared by the State Historical Society of Colorado ; drawings by Harry G. Miller, Jr., "Credit for this booklet goes to H.G. Miller, the artist, who made the drawings, Dr. Le Roy Hafen, who edited the text, and Roy Hunt, who made certain revisions in the corrected text." -- Foreword., Print version record.
Life in an adobe castle, 1833-1849 / by Enid Thompson -- From trading post to melted adobe, 1849-1920 / by Louisa Ward Arps -- From ruin to reconstruction, 1920-1976 -- The architectural challenge / by George A. Thorson -- Furnishing a frontier outpost / by Sarah M. Olson., Includes bibliographical references and index., Print version record.
compiled by Kristine Slaughter; with Modupe Labode and Tom Noel., Kristine Slaughter was the 2004-2005 Clara Brown intern at the Colorado Historical Society., Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed November 2022)
prepared for US Army Corps of Engineers, Colorado State Historic Preservation Office, [and] Thornton Development LLC ; completed by Tatanka Historical Associates, Inc., "10 October 2012.", USACE file #NWO-2012-1826-Den, COOAHP site #5AM.457.12, Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed October 2022)
In an effort to leverage the current resources available for historic preservation, the Colorado Historical Foundation created the CHF Revolving Loan Fund. The Loan Fund partners with the State Historical Fund by providing grant recipients an additional source of funding for historic preservation in the form of low-interest rate loans., "Publication #1628.", Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed September 2017)
text file, Front Range -- Mountain -- Northeast -- Northwest -- San Luis Valley -- Southeast -- Southwest -- Western., Online resource; title provided by cataloger (viewed October 2020)
Within the Reach 3 project area, the City of Fort Collins is exploring a variety of improvements to the Cache la Poudre River corridor along the north edge of downtown. Within the river channel, along its banks, and in the environs, the corridor has been largely neglected for many decades and today is in dire need of attention. A number of the improvements being explored will make the river more accessible to the general public. These include the development of a pedestrian bridge, parking lot with restrooms, park area, and changes to the trail system along the riverbanks. Also being considered is the possible creation of a water park within the river channel for kayaking., prepared for US Army Corps of Engineers, Colorado State Historic Preservation Office, [and] City of Fort Collins ; completed by Tatanka Historical Associates, Inc. [and] Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc., "1 April 2016.", Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed October 2022)
Cover title., "February 2009.", "This report is supported through funding by The Ford Foundation Bridges to Opportunity Project and Lumina Foundation for Education.", Mode of access: World Wide Web.
As the concern for long-term curation of artifacts grows in the United States, more responsibility will fall on the archaeologist and the laboratory assistant to provide adequate care for artifacts during and after excavation. In this article various systems are presented for packing and storing the range of artifacts found on historic sites in North America. A list of suppliers of some materials mentioned in the text is included., Katherine R. Singley., "OAHP--1536.", "Reprinted by the Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation with permission of the publisher and author; from Historical Archaeology (1981), vol. 15, no. 1." -- Page 10., Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed October 2022)
Each case study is a short synopsis of schools or educational organizations programs to assist low-income, first generation, and under-represented students to enroll in education beyond high school., Case study: building community buy-in through marketing and outreach -- Case study: expanding concurrent enrollment -- Case study: implementing a data collection and tracking system (student supports) -- Case study: increasing FAFSA completion -- Case study: promoting family engagement -- Case study: providing wrap-around services., "Fall 2017.", Online resource; title provided by cataloger (viewed June 2020)
prepared for Greater Arkansas River Nature Association and the Chaffee County Heritage Area Advisory Board ; prepared by R. Laurie Simmons and Thomas H. Simmons with contributions by Liz B. Simmons., "13 May 2013.", Includes bibliographical references (pages 95-101)., "Funded by State Historic Fund Grant Number 2010-02-003.", Print version record.