Plate 1. Geologic hazards map of the Gray Reservoir quadrangle --Plate 2. Geologic hazards map of the Bowie quadrangle -- Plate 3. Geologic hazards map of the Somerset quadrangle -- Plate 4. Geologic hazards map of the Paonia Reservoir quadrangle -- Plate 5. Geologic hazards map of the Hotchkiss quadrangle -- Plate 6. Geologic hazards map of the Paonia quadrangle -- Plate 7. Geologic hazards, Hotchkiss-Paonia Reservoir area, Delta and Gunnison Counties, Colorado.
Photocopy; blue line print.
Relief shown by contours and spot heights.
Base maps are U.S.G.S. 7.5-minute topographic quadrangles.
Location diagrams on Plate 7.
"References" on Plate 7.
Title from caption title on Plate 7.
Description based on print version.