Child poverty increased at an astonishing rate from 2000 to 2007 in Colorado. Although Colorado holds an unimpressive middle rank (22) nationally in the percentage of children in poverty, the KidsCount Data Center reports that the number of poor children in our state grew from 104,000 in 2000 to 192,000 poor children in 2007, an increase of 85 percent and the poor children in our state grew from 104,000 in 2000 to 192,000 poor children in 2007, an increase of 85 percent and the highest increase in the country. Only seven other states saw an increase in their child poverty rates during this period. State expenditures in areas such as safety-net programs, child care assistance, and work-based support can help ameliorate poverty and increase child and family well-being. Extensive research shows that lower spending levels on safety-net programs affect child well-being, particularly for children in poverty.