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Geologic map of the Cottonwood Pass quadrangle, Eagle and Garfield Counties, Colorado
Geologic map of the Cottonwood Pass quadrangle, Eagle and Garfield Counties, Colorado : description of map units, economic geology, whole-rock analyses, and references (Title on guidebook)
Streufert, Randall K.
Colorado Geological Survey.
Colorado Geological Survey, Division of Minerals and Geology, Department of Natural Resources
Denver, Colo.
Relief shown by contours. Includes bibliographical references in guidebook (p. 13-14). This mapping project was funded jointly by the Colorado Geological Survey and the U.S. Geological Survey STATEMAP program of the National Geologic Mapping Act of 1992, Agreement No. 1434-HQ-96-AG-0177. Description based on print version record.
1 online map + 1 guide (14 p. : ill.)
Open file report (Colorado Geological Survey)