Why are we here? / John W. Rold -- Coal palynology and petrology / Robert M. Kosanke -- Stratigraphy and tectonics of western coals / Robert J. Weimer -- Coal deposits of the eastern Piceance basin / Bruce A. Collins -- Trinidad-Raton basins : a model coal resource evaluation program / Curtis L. Amuedo and Richard S. Bryson -- Stratigraphy of the coals of the San Juan basin / James E. Fassett -- Wyoming coal deposits / Gary B. Glass -- Lagoonal origin of coals in the Almond Formation in the Rock Springs uplift, Wyoming / Henry W. Roehler -- Geology of the Tounue River member, Fort Union formation of eastern Montana / Robert E. Matson and John M. Pinchock -- Geophysical logging of coal / Donald G. Davis -- Methane from coal / Charles M. McCulloch and Maurice Deul -- Coal analysis : why, where, when and how / Lloyd W. Taylor -- Trace elements in Rocky Mountain coals / Joseph R. Hatch and Vernon E. Swanson -- The geologist's role in coal mining / Francis DeFilippo -- Geologic aspects of environmental planning and reclamation / Allen G. Thurman.
Proceedings of the 1976 Symposium on the Geology of Rocky Mountain Coal held April 26-27, at the Colorado School of Mines sponsored by the Colorado School of Mines and the Colorado Geological Survey.
Includes bibliographical references.