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GOV Governor's Permanent Offices and Commissions
- Reconnaissance evaluation report
- Recycling at work : creating a cost-effective recycling and waste reduction program for businesses
- Redevelopment plan for the central business district, Cortez, Colorado
- Regional Tourism Act : guidelines and application checklist
- Renewable Energy Development Infrastructure, REDI, Project environmental, siting, and land use issues
- Renewable Energy Development Infrastructure, REDI, Project regulatory and economic analysis
- Renewable energy and energy efficiency education program report
- Renewable energy in Mexico : short and medium-term business opportunities
- Renewable natural gas (RNG) in transportation : Colorado market study
- Renewable resources in Colorado : opportunities for local governments
- Reopening resources: ideas from the field for Colorado arts & culture
- Reopening resources: ideas from the field for Colorado arts & culture
- Report & recommendations
- Report of the Governor's Commission on the Status of Women in Colorado, 1965
- Report on findings from listening tour, Jan. 20 through Feb. 11, 2009
- Report to the governor, economic competitiveness through collaboration, talent development and innovation
- Report under Section 24-76.5-102[sic](9), C.R.S. 2008
- Request for allocation of new state resources
- Requests for information
- Residential energy-use and savings potential study for the Governor's Energy Office