Personally identifiable information (PII) is information that can be used to trace or identify an individual. In Colorado K-12 education, the term refers to student data collected and retained by public schools and school districts, and maintained by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). This Issue Brief provides an overview of state and federal student data privacy laws.
Cyber attacks on critical infrastructure like the electrical grid are increasing as advanced technology becomes more integrated into how energy systems operate. This issue brief provides an overview of critical infrastructure, discusses a 2019 cyber attack on the U.S. electrical grid, and summarizes state and federal legislation addressing security for critical infrastructure.
This issue brief discusses the history of blockchain technology, its current and future applications, and recently proposed Colorado legislation related to this technology.
Community corrections programs serve as an alternative to prison or as a transition for individuals in prison to reenter society. This issue brief provides a general overview of community corrections.
This issue brief discusses recent federal guidance related to 1332 state innovation waivers, the required criteria that must be met for approval of a waiver, the components of federal law that can be waived, the application process for a waiver, the monitoring and review process for an approved waiver, and Colorado's recent 1332 state innovation waiver applications.
This issue brief provides an overview of court and court facility funding. Specifically, information is provided on state, county, and information is provided on state, county, and supplemental funding grants available to assist counties with court security and facility costs.
This issue brief outlines state regulations for bicycle transportation. It details general safety regulations, the regulations for riding an electric bicycle, and regulations regarding safety stops.
This issue brief provides an overview of court and court facility funding. Specifically, information is provided on state, county, and information is provided on state, county, and supplemental funding grants available to assist counties with court security and facility costs.
This issue brief addresses the state's emergency mental health hold procedure, which allows for a person to be involuntarily held for a 72-hour period of treatment and evaluation if he or she appears to have a mental illness and, due to the mental illness, appears to be an imminent danger to self or others, or appears to be gravely disabled.
This issue brief provides an overview of state and local laws regulating the landlord-tenant relationship, discusses the state and federal agencies that enforce fair housing laws, and lists several resources for landlords and tenants in dispute.
Senate Bill 18-001, enacted during the 2018 legislative session, is a significant piece of transportation funding legislation. SB 18-001 commits state General Fund revenue for transportation projects and establishes financial mechanisms to address the passage or failure of transportation-related ballot measures. This issue brief summarizes the most important features of this law.
This issue brief provides an overview of the financial assistance available to families needing child care, briefly describes the licensing of child care centers, and explains where to find child care quality ratings.
In Colorado, sales taxes are imposed by the state government, counties, municipalities, and special districts. Overlapping boundaries create 754 unique tax jurisdictions, many with different tax bases, rates, and administrators. This issue brief summarizes information on how local government sales and use taxes are assessed and administered.
This issue brief provides an overview of state and local laws regulating the landlord-tenant relationship, discusses the state and federal agencies that enforce fair housing laws, and lists several resources for landlords and tenants in dispute.
Senate Bill 17-267, enacted during the 2017 legislative session, changes many aspects of fiscal policy for the state. This issue brief summarizes the bill's principal components.
This issue brief provides an overview of Regional Accountable Entities, organizations responsible for coordinating the physical and behavioral health care of the state's Medicaid members.
This issue brief provides an overview of consumer data privacy, describes applicable federal laws, and summarizes recent state legislation proposed to strengthen consumer data privacy laws.