The Colorado Constitution allows voters to decide whether justices and judges stay on the bench after they have been appointed and have had time to establish a judicial record by serving an initial term.
Automated vehicle identification systems (AVIS), automatically detect a violation of a traffic regulation and simultaneously record a photograph of the vehicle, its operator, and the license plate.
Several factors contribute to high housing costs in Colorado, including low inventory and a limited variety of available housing types. Housing cost-burdened refers to families paying more than 30 percent of their income for housing. According to the Colorado Health Institute August 2019 report Home Equity, in Colorado 45 percent of renters and 19 percent of homeowners are housing cost-burdened.
Vaccinations offer protection from common infectious diseases. Colorado law requires every child who is attending school in the state to present an up-to-date certificate of immunization. State law also allows for a student to be exempt from the immunization requirements for medical reasons, religious beliefs, or personal beliefs.