GA Colorado General Assembly
- Abuse of corpse crimes in other states
- This memorandum addresses abuse of corpse laws in the 50 states. While the vast majority of states have enacted abuse of corpse or other related laws, they differ in definition and crime classification. For example, some states outline penalties for mutilating or defacing a corpse, while others more broadly define it as "outraging family sensibilities." Over half of the states (29) have classified this crime as a felony instead of a misdemeanor., Juliann Jenson., "February 21, 2020.", Online resource; title from PDF subject line of memorandum (viewed May 2022)
- Academic standards and the common core
- by Kristen Koehler., "November 19, 2013.", Description based on online resource; title from PDF caption; (viewed October 23, 2015)
- Academic standards and the common core
- by Kristen Koehler and Lisa Gezelter., "Updated July 2014.", Description based on online resource; title from PDF caption; (viewed October 23, 2015)
- Activities of the Health Care Task Force from 2005 to 2008
- This memorandum summarizes the activities of the Health Care Task Force during the 2005 through 2008 interims. Originally established in 1999, the Health Care Task Force provided a means for legislators to obtain the information necessary to develop and respond to legislative changes affecting the health care system in Colorado., Memorandum dated July 8, 2009., Description based on online resource; title from PDF subject line of memorandum; (viewed October 2014)
- Adams
- Cover title., Report to the Colorado Legislative Council., Description based on print version record.
- Adams State College financial and compliance audit : fiscal years ended June 30, 2010 and 2009
- Cover title., "Report Control Number 2116-10"--Back cover., Distributed by the Colorado Office of State Auditor., Description based on print version record.
- Adams State College financial and compliance audit fiscal years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010
- "Report Control Number 2116-11"--P. [53]., Distributed by the Colorado Office of State Auditor., Cover title., Description based on print version record.
- Adams State College financial and compliance audit fiscal years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011
- Dalby, Wendland & Co., P.C.., "December 4, 2012"--P. 41., "Report Control Number 2116-12"--P. [51]., Distributed by the Colorado Office of State Auditor., Cover title., Description based on print version record.
- Adams State College, Alamosa, Colorado, State funded student assistance programs : financial and compliance examination for the year ended June 30, 1980 : and auditor's opinion, October 27, 1980
- Wall, Smith, Bateman and Associates, Inc., Cover title., Description based on print version record.
- Adams State University : financial and compliance audit : fiscal years ended June 30, 2017 and 2016
- Wall, Smith, Bateman Inc., Report number 1702F.--First unnumbered page., Letter of transmittal dated November 17, 2017., Cover title., Print version record.
- Adams State University : financial and compliance audit : fiscal years ended June 30, 2018 and 2017
- Wall, Smith, Bateman Inc., Report number 1802F.--First unnumbered page., Letter of transmittal dated November 17, 2018., Distributed by the Colorado Office of State Auditor., Cover title., Print version record.