UCB University of Colorado Boulder
- The impact of the federal government facilities in the Denver metro region on the region and on the state of Colorado
- The land use planning, water resources and climate change adaptation connection : challenges and opportunities
- The marginalization of disaster response institutions : the 1997-1998 El Niño experience in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecquador
- The mass media, political fragmentation, and environmental injustice in Puerto Rico : a case study of the floods in Barrio Tortugo
- The nation possessed : the conflicting claims on America's public lands and the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the founding of the General Land Office
- The new watershed source book : a directory and review of watershed initiatives in the Western United States
- The politics and administration of presidential disaster declarations : the California floods of winter 1995
- The politics and economics of earthquake hazard mitigation : unreinforced masonry buildings in Southern California
- The potential impact of information technology on the structure of inter-organizational relationships during crisis response : the Pennsylvania floods of 1996