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UCB University of Colorado Boulder
- Approaches to evaluating the outcomes of faculty outreach
- Archaeological excavations in the northern Sierra Madre Occidental, Chihuahua and Sonora, Mexico
- Archeological studies of disaster : their range and value
- Arguing about consensus : examining the case against western watershed initiatives and other collaborative groups active in natural resources management
- Assessing "practical knowledge" of FEMA's responsiveness and effectiveness in the aftermath of Hurricane Bonnie, in Wrightsville Beach and Topsail Island, North Carolina
- Assessing measures of drought impact and vulnerability in the Intermountain West
- Assessing the impacts of Hurricane Sandy on the Port of New York and New Jersey's Maritime Responders and Response infrastructure
- Avalanche atlas, Ouray County, Colorado
- Avalanche atlas, San Juan County : prepared for San Juan County Commissioners and in cooperation with the San Juan County Land Use Planner
- Avalanche hazard in Ouray County, Colorado, 1877-1976
- Avalanche release and snow characteristics, San Juan Mountains, Colorado : final report, 1971 - 1975
- Avalanches
- BASICS, Brief alcohol screening and intervention of college students
- Baffin Island Quaternary environments : an annotated bibliography
- Barometers of school safety climate surveys
- Behavioral monitoring and reinforcement program
- Bent pegs and round holes : new concerns for oil and gas commissions
- Beyond September 11th : an account of post-disaster research
- Bibliography of alpine and subalpine areas of the Front Range, Colorado
- Bibliography on flood proofing