TRA Colorado Department of Transportation


Bird nesting and droppings control on highway structures
Bird nesting and droppings control on highway structures
This report provides a comprehensive literature survey of permanent and temporary deterrents to nesting and roosting, a discussion of risks to human health and safety from exposure to bird nests and droppings and recommended protective measures, and the results of a multi-year field study to test temporary nesting deterrents judged to be most effective., "Sponsored by the Colorado Department of Transportation in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.", "October 2010.", "Report No. CDOT-2010-7, final report and addendum."--Cover, Includes bibliographical references (p. 108-109), Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Boost big kids : it's now Colorado law!
Boost big kids : it's now Colorado law!
Column title., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Bridge Enterprise budget financial year end recap. 2010
Bridge Enterprise budget financial year end recap. 2010
FY2010 only issue published., Caption title.
Bridge deck repair investigation and quantity estimation
Bridge deck repair investigation and quantity estimation
This report presents a case study on the evaluation of bridge decks using various non-destructive test methods. The primary interest lies in quantifying delaminated areas in deck concrete covered with asphalt overlays. Analytical and computational models are formulated to decompose the intensity of GPR scales into two categories: i) initiation and progression of corrosion and ii) delamination of deck concrete, which show good agreement with repaired areas. Parametric investigations emphasize the significance of rebar spacing and concrete cover in determining the extent of deck delamination., Yail Jimmy Kim., "December 2020.", Performing organization: University of Colorado Denver., Includes: University of Colorado Denver inspection of bridge decks with ground penetrating radar., Includes bibliographical references (pages 28-33 ), Report CDOT-2020-19, Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed May 2021)
Bridge design manual
Bridge design manual
Description based on online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed November 2013)
Bridge hydraulics report : S.H. 96A , 4th Street over the Arkansas River
Bridge hydraulics report : S.H. 96A , 4th Street over the Arkansas River
"August 2006.", Ayres Project No. 32-1066.01 4TH-BR8T.DOC, Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Business impacts of express toll lanes on existing facilities
Business impacts of express toll lanes on existing facilities
"November 2006.", "Report No. CDOT-DTD-R- 2006-14.", "Final report."--Cover., "FHU Reference No. 06-132.", Mode of access: World Wide Web., Includes bibliographical references (p. E1-2)
C-470 corridor environmental assessment, Kipling Parkway to I-25
C-470 corridor environmental assessment, Kipling Parkway to I-25
prepared for Federal Highway Administration [and] Colorado Department of Transportation., Cover and administrative documents -- Executive summary -- Table of contents -- List of tables -- List of Figures -- List of Acronyms -- Chapter 1, Purpose and need -- Chapter 2, screening process and alternatives considered -- Chapter 3, Affected environment and environmental consequences -- Chapter 4, Public involvement and agency consultation -- Chapter 5, References -- Chapter 6, List of Preparers., Includes bibliographical references., Description based on online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed February 2013), CDOT Project No. NH 4701-103 (14222)
C-470 corridor revised environmental assessment, Kipling Parkway to I-25
C-470 corridor revised environmental assessment, Kipling Parkway to I-25
Colorado Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Transportion Federal Highway Administration, C-470 Corridor Coalition., Cover -- Table of contents -- Executive summary -- Chapter 1, Purpose and need -- Chapter 2, Alternatives considered -- Chapter 3, Transportation impacts -- Chapter 4, Affected environment and environmental consequences -- Chapter 5, Public and agency coordination -- References -- Appendices A-D -- Appendix E, Compendium of technical reports., "July 2015.", "Submitted Pursuant to: 42 United States Code [CSU] 4332 (2)(6) 49 USC 303. Submitted by: US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration and Colorado Department of Transportation; cooperating agency: United States Army Corps of Engineers.", Includes bibliographical references., Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed April 2018), CDOT Project No. NH 4701-103 (14222)
CDOH-CDOT memorial tribute project
CDOH-CDOT memorial tribute project
sponsored by the 2005-2006 Employee Council., video file MPEG 798MB, Title from DVD opening screen., "For those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to the Department and to the State of Colorado.", Based on DVD record
CDOT DTD analysis of bicycle-related and pedestrian-related roadway crashes phase II
CDOT DTD analysis of bicycle-related and pedestrian-related roadway crashes phase II
Title from cover., "June 2007.", Mode of access: World Wide Web.
CDOT NEPA manual
CDOT NEPA manual
The purpose of this Manual is to provide guidance on preparing and processing documents that comply with NEPA and other applicable state and federal environmental laws affecting transportation projects in Colorado. This Manual provides references and links to related federal and state laws, executive orders, regulations, and policies. It also provides "best practice" examples for various compliance processes where appropriate. It is intended that CDOT staff, local agency representatives, and consultants use this Manual to implement NEPA in an effective manner, producing more consistent, improved environmental documents that decision-makers may use to make well-informed transportation decisions., Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed November 2015)
CDOT Outdoor Advertising Program reference guide
CDOT Outdoor Advertising Program reference guide
Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed June 2016)
CDOT air quality analysis and documentation procedures
CDOT air quality analysis and documentation procedures
Air quality discussions address the emissions of pollutants from transportation systems which can be harmful to human beings, the natural environment, and the integrity of man-made materials. The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) conducts air quality evaluations for its projects. The CDOT Environmental Programs Branch (EPB) or Regional Air Quality Specialist evaluates the potential for air quality impacts from a proposed transportation project and then determines if coordination with the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment Air Pollution Control Division., Description based on online resource; title from PDF caption; (viewed May 2015)
CDOT and Colorado paving industry's action plan to address recently documented issue with compaction angle when using the Troxler Gyratory with four-inch molds
CDOT and Colorado paving industry's action plan to address recently documented issue with compaction angle when using the Troxler Gyratory with four-inch molds
"April 19, 2002.", "The CDOT Materials Advisory Committee unanimously approved this Plan on April 19th, 2002.", Lacking "three scanned data sheets" of data analysis done at the Engineering Dept. of Troxler Electronics, Includes bibliographical references (p. 7)
CDOT archaeology and history analysis and documentation procedures
CDOT archaeology and history analysis and documentation procedures
Caption title., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
CDOT construction manual
CDOT construction manual
Colorado Department of Transportation., Includes index., Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed November 2015)
