UCSU Colorado State University


A co-operative experiment in tree planting
A co-operative experiment in tree planting
by W. Paddock and B.O. Longyear., "October 1905.", Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed August 2017)
A comparison of large and small tropical cyclones
A comparison of large and small tropical cyclones
The structure of the wind field of a tropical cyclone can be roughly described by three measurements: intensity (maximum wind), size (extent of the vortex), and strength (average wind speed of the vortex). This paper examines the climatology, structure and possible physical processes of tropical cyclones of different sizes., On cover : "NOAA NA81RAD00005; NOAA NABIRAH00001; NSF ATM-7923591.", Includes bibliographic references (p. 68-70)., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
A comparison of long-run forecasts of demand for fishing, hunting and nonconsumptive wildlife recreation : based on the 1980 and 1985 national surveys
A comparison of long-run forecasts of demand for fishing, hunting and nonconsumptive wildlife recreation : based on the 1980 and 1985 national surveys
"December, 1988.", Research sponsored by Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Agricultural Experiment Station, Western Regional Project W-133, Benefits and Costs in Resource Planning., Includes bibliographical references (p. 39-41)., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
A comparison of the structure and flow characteristics of the upper troposphere and stratosphere of the northern and southern hemispheres
A comparison of the structure and flow characteristics of the upper troposphere and stratosphere of the northern and southern hemispheres
"This report was prepared with support from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, "This report was prepared with support from the Atomic Energy Commission, "April 1974.", Includes bibliographical references (p. 137-142)., Includes abstract., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
A comparison of two cumulus parameterization schemes in a linear model of wave-cisk
A comparison of two cumulus parameterization schemes in a linear model of wave-cisk
Research supported by the Office of Naval Research and the National Science Foundation., "August 1982.", Includes bibliographic references (p. [67]-68)., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
A composite mesoscale cumulonimbus budget
A composite mesoscale cumulonimbus budget
"May 1972.", "Research for the Venezuelan International Meteorological and Hydrological Experiment (VIMHEX I) was sponsored by the Office of Naval Research under, "Partial support for the theoretical analysis was received from the Atmospheric Sciences Section, National Science Foundation, Includes bibliographical references (p. 46)., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
A contribution to our knowledge of the Syrphidae of Colorado
A contribution to our knowledge of the Syrphidae of Colorado
"Part of a thesis presented for a master's degree, Colorado Agricultural College, June, 1916"--P. 3., Title from cover., "April 1922.", Part I. Description, life histories and food habits -- Part II. Key to genera and species of Syrphidae with citations and habitat -- Part III. Catalogue of known Colorado Syrphidae., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
A contribution to the life history of the Wyoming ground squirrel (Citellus elegans) in Colorado. Part I
A contribution to the life history of the Wyoming ground squirrel (Citellus elegans) in Colorado. Part I
by W.L. Burnett., "September, 1920.", Includes bibliographical references., Print version record.
A contribution to the synoptic climatology of the extratropics
A contribution to the synoptic climatology of the extratropics
A relationship is established between relative geostrophic vorticity on an isobaric surface and the Laplacian of the underlying layer-mean temperature. This relationship is used to investigate the distribution of vorticity and baroclinicity in a jet-stream model which is constantly recurrent in the winter troposphere., "August, 1973.", "Preparation of this report has been financially supported by NASA, Includes bibliographical references (p. 21)., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
A cost of community services study of Custer County, South Dakota
A cost of community services study of Custer County, South Dakota
"December 2009.", Includes bibliographical references., Title from PDF caption title (viewed on Sept. 14, 2011)., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
A cost of community services study of Pennington County, South Dakota
A cost of community services study of Pennington County, South Dakota
"December 2009.", Includes bibliographical references., Title from PDF caption title (viewed on Sept. 14, 2011)., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
A critical assessment of methodologies for estimating urban flood damages-prevented benefits
A critical assessment of methodologies for estimating urban flood damages-prevented benefits
"In fulfillment of requirements for AE 695V special study.", "July 1984.", Bibliography: p. 51-54., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
A cross-spectral study of the spatial relationships in the North Pacific sea-surface temperature anomaly field
A cross-spectral study of the spatial relationships in the North Pacific sea-surface temperature anomaly field
"March 1980.", "COO-1340-68.", Includes bibliographical references (p. 25)., Description based on print version record.
A description of agriculture production in the Colorado River Basin
A description of agriculture production in the Colorado River Basin
"May 2011.", Includes bibliographical references., Title from PDF caption title (viewed on Sept. 14, 2011)., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
A description of water transfers in the Colorado River Basin
A description of water transfers in the Colorado River Basin
"May 2011.", Includes bibliographical references., Title from PDF caption title (viewed on Sept. 14, 2011)., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
A detailed parameterization of the atmospheric boundary layer
A detailed parameterization of the atmospheric boundary layer
A one-dimensional parameterized model of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) is developed and tested., "December, 1978.", Includes bibliographical references (p. 177-190)., "Research supported by the National Center for Atmospheric Research, "Research supported by NOAA, "Research supported by NASA, "Research supported by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "Research supported by the National Science Foundation, Mode of access: World Wide Web.
A distributed kinematic model of upland watersheds
A distributed kinematic model of upland watersheds
"July 1977.", Includes bibliographical references (p. 35-36)., Description based on print version record.
A farm business report relating to 18 farms located in Phillips, Yuma, and Washington counties, northeastern Colorado, 1940
A farm business report relating to 18 farms located in Phillips, Yuma, and Washington counties, northeastern Colorado, 1940
Cover title., "May 1941.", "(2259)-41.", Handwritten on cover: "Miscellaneous series #111"., Description based on print version record.
A farm business report relating to 23 farms in Phillips, Sedgwick, Washington, and Yuma counties for the year 1937
A farm business report relating to 23 farms in Phillips, Sedgwick, Washington, and Yuma counties for the year 1937
Cover title., "March 1938.", "(8216-38)", Handwritten on cover: "Miscellaneous series #39"., Description based on print version record.
