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UCSU Colorado State University

- A co-operative experiment in tree planting

- A comparison of large and small tropical cyclones

- A comparison of long-run forecasts of demand for fishing, hunting and nonconsumptive wildlife recreation : based on the 1980 and 1985 national surveys

- A comparison of the structure and flow characteristics of the upper troposphere and stratosphere of the northern and southern hemispheres

- A comparison of two cumulus parameterization schemes in a linear model of wave-cisk

- A composite mesoscale cumulonimbus budget

- A conservation blueprint for neotropical migratory birds in Western Colorado

- A contribution to our knowledge of the Syrphidae of Colorado

- A contribution to the life history of the Wyoming ground squirrel (Citellus elegans) in Colorado. Part I

- A contribution to the synoptic climatology of the extratropics

- A cost of community services study of Custer County, South Dakota

- A cost of community services study of Pennington County, South Dakota

- A critical assessment of methodologies for estimating urban flood damages-prevented benefits

- A cross-spectral study of the spatial relationships in the North Pacific sea-surface temperature anomaly field

- A description of agriculture production in the Colorado River Basin

- A description of water transfers in the Colorado River Basin

- A detailed parameterization of the atmospheric boundary layer

- A distributed kinematic model of upland watersheds

- A farm business report relating to 18 farms located in Phillips, Yuma, and Washington counties, northeastern Colorado, 1940

- A farm business report relating to 23 farms in Phillips, Sedgwick, Washington, and Yuma counties for the year 1937