UCSU Colorado State University


Administration of the small watershed program, 1955-1978 : an analysis
Administration of the small watershed program, 1955-1978 : an analysis
"August 1979"--Cover., "A special study submitted to Dr. Norman A. Evans, Colorado State University, in fulfillment of the requirements for AE 795AV.", Includes bibliographical references (p. 118-122)., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Adobe as a building material for the plains
Adobe as a building material for the plains
Cover title., "November 1910."
Adobe brick for farm buildings
Adobe brick for farm buildings
Cover title., "April 1926."
Adolescent alcohol and drug abuse
Adolescent alcohol and drug abuse
by P.A. Langfield, M. MacIntyre, and J.G. Turner., "2/96.", Bibliography: page 3., Caption.
Adolescent alcohol and other drug abuse
Adolescent alcohol and other drug abuse
Caption title., "Reviewed 12/04.", Includes bibliographical references (p. [3])., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Adolescent alcohol and other drug abuse
Adolescent alcohol and other drug abuse
by J.L. Matheson and R.T. McGrath, Jr., At head of title: Family., "2/96. Revised 8/12., Includes bibliographical references (page 4)., Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed April 2017)
Adsorption of copper, cadmium and zinc on suspended sediments in a stream contaminated by acid mine drainage : the effect of seasonal changes in dissolved organic carbon
Adsorption of copper, cadmium and zinc on suspended sediments in a stream contaminated by acid mine drainage : the effect of seasonal changes in dissolved organic carbon
"January 1, 1991.", "Grant No. 14-08-0001-G1551-01, Project No. 04.", "Research ... financed in part by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey.", Includes bibliographical references (p. 13-14)., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Advanced hunter education and shooting sports responsibility
Advanced hunter education and shooting sports responsibility
authors, Delwin E. Benson, Rodd E. Richardson ; illustrations, R. Whitney Draney., Includes bibliographical references., Print version record.
Advanced sewing and housefurnishing
Advanced sewing and housefurnishing
Cover title., "June, 1929.", Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Advancing grid modernization and smart grid policy : a discussion paper
Advancing grid modernization and smart grid policy : a discussion paper
This paper is a result of the Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) Grid Modernization Policy Forum on June 18th, 2013 in Boulder, Colorado. The purpose of the forum was to identify the advanced energy industry's state policy priorities for smart grid utilization and deployment. The intended audience for this paper is state regulators, legislators, governors' offices and other policy makers., "December 2013.", Description based on online resource; title from PDF caption; (viewed September 2015), Includes bibliographic reverences.
Advancing the agriculture economy through innovation
Advancing the agriculture economy through innovation
video file MPEG 303MB, Introduction -- Smart agriculture: delivering real-time intelligence -- Weather = water: thriving in the new normal -- From one horse to one gig: a multigenerational story -- Amber waves of innovation: consumer-inspired partnerships., Produced by Colorado State University, College of Agricultural Sciences; Colorado State University Extension and Colorado State University Office of Engagement., Online resource; title from title screen (viewed July 2020)
Advancing the quality of learning 2004 : self-study report. Executive Summary.
Advancing the quality of learning 2004 : self-study report. Executive Summary.
Online resource; title from website for the document (viewed February 2014)
Advantages of the silo
Advantages of the silo
by R.W. Clark., Part I. Advantages of the silo R.W. Clark -- Part II. Pit silos Chas. I. Bray., "June 1919.", "Revised edition of Bulletin no. 107, series 1.", Cover title., Print version record.
Aeolian transport and vegetative capture of particulates
Aeolian transport and vegetative capture of particulates
"Preparation of this report has been financially supported by AEC (ERDA) Grant /I5594605 monitored by the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory.", "May 1975.", Includes bibliographical references.
Aerodynamics : control of surface shear stress fluctuations in turbulent boundary layers
Aerodynamics : control of surface shear stress fluctuations in turbulent boundary layers
An experimental study of techniques for modifying the surface shear stress, both mean and fluctuating, in turbulent boundary layers is reported. The surface shear along the test section of a 45.7 cm square wind tunnel, with a downstream expansion section, was determined by means of surface-hot-wire-heat-transfer-gauges. Turbulent boundary layers in both zero and adverse pressure gradients were evaluated., by V.A. Sandborn., "CER80-81-VAS46.", "April 1981.", Includes bibliographical references., This research was carried out under the Naval Sea Systems Command General Hydromechanics Research Program Subproject SR 023 01 01., Administered by the David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center, contract N00014-80-C-0183., Print version record.
Aerodynamics, a time dependent flow model for the inner region of a turbulent boundary layer
Aerodynamics, a time dependent flow model for the inner region of a turbulent boundary layer
Response of the flow variables to external driving forces is non-linear for shear flows. For the turbulent boundary layer case, surface shear stress fluctuations of magnitude as great as the mean value are observed. For flow near the surface Prandtl's turbulent boundary layer approach of employing averaged Reynolds equation and a turbulence closure model is insufficient to account for surf ace shear fluctuations. A model which incorporates a discrete time dependent solution for the inner region of the turbulent boundary layer is proposed. The model requires stochastic averaging of the time dependent solution to account for the random aspect of the flow., by Ho-Chen Chien and V. A. Sandborn., "CER80-81-HCC-VAS 45.", "April 1981.", Includes bibliographical references., This research was carried out under the Naval Sea Systems Command General Hydromechanics Research Program Subproject SR 023 01 01., Administered by the David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center, contract N00014-80-C-0183., Print version record.
Aerosol in the GATE area and its radiative properties
Aerosol in the GATE area and its radiative properties
"Published simultaneously as CSU Atmospheric Science Papers in English and in the Transactions of the Main Geophysical Observatory in Russian." -- Cover., Includes bibliographical references (p. [107]-109)., Description based on print version record.
by J.F. Shanahan, W.M. Brown, Jr., "7/95.", Bibliography (page 3)., Caption.
Caption title., "Reviewed 12/03.", Includes bibliographical references (p. 3)., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Aflatoxins produced from grain
Aflatoxins produced from grain
Caption title., Includes bibliographical references., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
