SC Colorado Supreme Court
- 18th Judicial District plan for handling dependency and neglect cases and the role of dependency and neglect court specialist/facilitator
- Online resource; title from PDF cover; (viewed April 2016)
- 2000 Colorado gender & justice annual report
- "09/17/01."--Footer., Description based on online resource; title from PDF caption; (viewed February 2015)
- 2008 Colorado summit on children, youth, and families : best practice court team and role-specific training evaluation final report
- In 2008, the Colorado Judicial Branch Court Improvement Program and the Colorado Department of Human Services Division of Child Welfare worked collaboratively to replace their respective annual conferences with the first annual Colorado Summit on Children, Youth and Families (2008 Summit). The collaborative goal was to bring all child welfare stakeholders together in one place to discuss issues facing the child welfare system and to find practical solutions for achieving the permanency, safety, and well being of those Colorado families who find themselves embroiled in the dependency and neglect court., Cover title., "November 2008.", Includes bibliographical references (p. 16-22)
- A Decade of Colorado Supreme Court water decisions 1996-2006
- by Justice Greg Hobbs., Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed October 2016)
- A cost analysis of Colorado's restorative juvenile justice pilot programs
- In 2013, the Colorado legislature established four restorative justice (RJ) juvenile diversion pilot programs, in part to assess the efficacy of restorative justice to reduce cost. This is a preliminary study of operational costs saved from moving juveniles through the RJ pilots versus the pre-pilot status quo, which varied by judicial district. This report presents an analysis of the RJ pilot cost and an initial investigation into the juvenile justice system and conventional diversion service costs which have been displaced by the advent of the RJ pilots., prepared for the Colorado Restorative Justice Coordinating Council and the Colorado State Court Administrator's Office by Caitlin O'Neil., "August 2015.", Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed July 2022)
- A glance at restorative justice programs in Colorado
- "January 2014.", Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed July 2022)
- A handbook for families in dependency & neglect cases
- Cover title., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
- A randomized study of cellphone technology to reinforce alcohol abstinence in the natural environment
- Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed January 2016)
- A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of young offender treatment programs in Europe
- Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed January 2016)
- A user group's perceptions of the quality and effectiveness of PSI reports
- Caption title., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
- Absconder project
- Description based on online resource; title from PDF caption; (viewed April 2012), Mode of access: World Wide Web.
- Access to the courts
- Cover title., "June 18, 2004."--P. 4., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
- Action plan
- Cover title., "Updated April 2006.", Mode of access: World Wide Web.
- Addendum to 9th annual report to the Colorado Legislature : implementation of HB-94-1178 : expedited permanency planning, December 15, 2003
- Cover title., "February 2004.", Mode of access: World Wide Web.
- Adding positive reinforcement in justice settings : acceptability and feasibility
- Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed January 2016)
- Adverse childhood experiences, coping resources, and mental health problems among court-involved youth
- Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed October 2019)
- Agreement about intervention plans by probation officers
- Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed January 2016)
- An evaluation of motivational interviewing with clients in a probation setting
- Caption title., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
- An experimental demonstration of training probation officers in evidence-based community supervision
- Caption title., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
- An experimental evaluation on the impact of intensive supervision on the recidivism of high-risk probationers
- Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed October 2019)