"April 12, 2002.", Description based on online resource; title from PDF cover; (viewed March 2012), "County jobs, employment and labor force projections were prepared by the Center for Business and Economic Forecasting, Inc. (CBEF) in cooperation with the Colorado Divisions of Local Government's (CDLG) Demography Section."
The idea for this handbook grew out of the recovery efforts after the 2013 Colorado flood and federally declared disasters. The Lefthand, Big Thompson, Little Thompson and Saint Vrain watersheds were all heavily impacted by the 2013 flood. All four watersheds have since been involved in numerous storm recovery and stewardship projects, many of which were funded by the Department of Local Affairs disaster recovery program.Through the course of these projects, everyone involved learned valuable lessons about how streams function during and after a record-breaking flood, as well as how landowners can be good stewards of the stream system. From these lessons, the idea of a Handbook was born. DOLA funded the project., "Fall 2017.", Includes bibliographical references and index., Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed November 2021)
Gaming Impact Task Force ; submitted to Governor Romer, the General Assembly, Limited Gaming Control Commission., "December 30, 1996.", Cover., Print version record.
Climate change and human population growth are increasing the frequency, severity, and impact of natural disasters across the Western United States. As increasing aridity exposes wildland and agricultural ecosystems to greater risk of drought and fires, stronger intensity of summer rainstorms is exposing low-lying and riparian areas to greater risk of destructive floods. Meanwhile, growth of human populations and economies is expanding and intensifying land use and numerous public health and social interactions, and thus the human impact of disasters when they occur., Deserai Crow., Includes bibliographical references (pages 20), Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed January 2022)
The purpose of the Resilient Crossings Landowner Handbook is to provide an educational resource that empowers private landowners to understand their properties within the context of the larger watershed and river reach scale. It informs the design of resilient crossing structures that meet landowner needs while accommodating flood flows, in-channel debris transport, and supporting natural aquatic and riparian biological communities. This manual is intended as an overview guide or landowners; however, it is not meant to substitute working with a professional engineer who understands geomorphology and stream hydraulics for survey, design, and construction oversight., "This project was directed by a partnership between the Fourmile Watershed Coalition, the Coal Creek Canyon Watershed Partnership, the Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed, and the Saint Vrain Creek Coalition. It was funded through a Colorado Department of Local Affairs Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Resilience Planning Grant." -- Back cover., Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed November 2021)
The Boulder County Collaborative ("the Collaborative") is a partnership of Boulder County communities that was formed in response to the catastrophic floods of September 11th through September 15th, 2013. The Collaborative received a sub-allocation of the CDBG-DR funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to address long-term disaster recovery needs related to the federally-declared 2012 wildfires and 2013 floods., prepared by Steve Moddemeyer and [4 others] ; prepared for Boulder County CDBG-DR Collaborative., Volume 1: Report -- Volume 2: Appendices., "March 2016. Adopted by the Boulder County CDBG-DR Collaborative on May 13, 2016." -- first unnumbered page., "This project was funded through a Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery (CDBG - DR) grant from the State of Colorado's Department of Local Affairs. -- First unnumbered page., Online resource; title from PDF title page (viewed November 2023)
The purpose of this report is to analyze Ridgway's existing market capture and opportunities for the Town of Ridgway to capture more local, regional and visitor spending., "September 7, 2017.", Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed October 2023)
Description based on online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed April 2012), "This report was partially funded and made possible through the Colorado Department of Local Affairs Office of Smart Growth."