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LOC Colorado Department of Local Affairs

- FSS action plan for the Colorado Division of Housing

- Factory-built housing manufacturers certified by the State of Colorado, Division of Housing

- Family emergency preparedness guide
![Final report and recommendations resulting from investigation of Adams County taxpayer complaints : filed February 2011 pursuant to [section symbol] 39-2-111, [section symbol] 39-2-112 and [section symbol] 39-2-114 C.R.S. : presented to the Colorado](http://hermes.cde.state.co.us/drupal/islandora/object/co%3A9428/datastream/TN/view)
- Final report and recommendations resulting from investigation of Adams County taxpayer complaints : filed February 2011 pursuant to [section symbol] 39-2-111, [section symbol] 39-2-112 and [section symbol] 39-2-114 C.R.S. : presented to the Colorado

- Findings of the Special Eviction Prevention Task Force

- Five Points

- Five legal limits on local government budgets in the Taxpayer's bill of rights (Tabor, Article X, Section 20, Colo. Const) and the 5.5% annual levy law (29-1-301, C.R.S.)

- Flagler town demographic and economic profile

- Flood hazard study City of Las Animas, Colorado

- Flood of 97 : Hazard Mitigation Team report in response to DR-1186-CO flood disaster in Colorado, declared August 1, 1997

- Forecasting Colorado state severance tax

- Formation and statutory responsibilities

- Formation and statutory responsibilities

- Foundations and corporate giving

- Fremont County demographic and economic profile

- Frequently asked questions for tenants and landlords evictions, foreclosures, rent and mortgage payments

- Garfield County demographic and economic profile

- General Iron Works & proposed Bates light rail station Englewood, Colorado

- Governor Bill Ritter's new energy communities initiative

- Granby town demographic and economic profile