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CR Colorado Department of Corrections
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Process evaluation of intensive residential treatment
Questions from the Joint Judiciary Committee regarding intensive supervision parole (ISP), September 26th & 27th, 2013
RFI #1: Medical services subprogram, purchase of pharmaceuticals
Senate bill 03-318 concerning reduction of sentences for particular drug crimes, and, in connection therewith creating a drug offender treatment fund
Senate bill 03-318 cost avoidance analysis
State sex offender treatment programs, August 2000 : 50 state survey Conducted by the Colorado Department of Corrections
Statistical report sex offender population and treatment fiscal year 1998
Statistical report sex offender population and treatment fiscal year 1999
Strategic plan 2012-2015
Study of the effectiveness of the current Youthful Offender System, as designed by the enabling statute and as implemented by the Department of Corrections / report submitted to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees in response to Colo. Rev. Stat. ʹ 1
The Multi Agency Review Team project description
The effectiveness of the Cross Road to Freedom House therapeutic community
The validation of the LSI on community corrections populations
Transitioning from prison to parole
Trend analysis of felony drug convictions resulting in prison sentences and prison impact analysis of S. B. 03-318
Validation of the Level of Supervision Inventory (LSI) for community based offenders in Colorado, phase II
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