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HI Colorado Department of Highways
- Pavement patching demonstration and evaluation
- Pavement study Strasburg east and west I 70-4(30) final report
- Performance of culvert materials in various Colorado environments : final report
- Performance of structural foam : railroad crossing material
- Plastic pipe use under highways
- Preformed pavement marking material for construction zone project I 76-1 (58) : final report, December, 1982
- Preliminary report of failure investigation, Walnut Viaduct-Ramp J, structure number F-16-MV, Project BRMU 0033(2), Larimer Viaduct : KKBNA Project No. 8760.01, October 25, 1985
- Preliminary report on a north-south-limited access highway through Denver : a report rendered to Charles D. Vail, State Highway Engineer of Colorado
- Procedural manual for preliminary soil survey
- Project CC 06-0025-02, Larimer County road & I-25 interchange, Larimer County, Colorado : administrative action, finding of no significant impact ; submitted pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C), 23 U.S.C. 128(a)
- Project RS 0172(9), Ignacio-north, La Plata County, administrative action, environmental assessment
- Pycnometer shaker
- R-value test modification
- Rainfall-runoff modeling and preliminary regional flood characteristics of small rural watersheds in the Arkansas River basin in Colorado
- Reactive aggregate in concrete structures
- Recycling hot mix bituminous pavement
- Reflection cracking in bituminous overlays
- Rehabilitation of bridge decks demonstration
- Rehabilitation of concrete pavements
- Resilient properties of Colorado soils