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HU Colorado Department of Human Services
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix B, Part 1: Resource Assignment
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix B, Part 2: Considerations for Resource Assignment
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix C, Part 1: Governing Regulations
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix C, Part 2: Request for an Amendment to the Children's Extensive Support Waiver
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix C, Part 3: Children's Extensive Support Program
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix C, Part 4: Children's Extensive Support Waiver Program
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix D, Part 1: Financial Forms
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix D, Part 2: FY2003 Rate Schedule
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix D, Part 3: Service Area Rate Schedule
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix E, Part 1: Liability, Contracting Information
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix E, Part 2: Respite Care in Colorado, Overcoming the Fear of Liability
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix F, Part 1: Enabling Legislation
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix F, Part 2: Rights of Developmentally Disabled
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix G, Part 1: Dispute Resolution Process
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix G, Part 2: Mediation
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix G, Part 3: Mediation
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix H, Part 1: CES Standards
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix H, Part 2: Support Services Program Management
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix H, Part 3: Program Administration
- Children's Extensive Support waiver. Appendix J: Eligibility Criterion for CES