HED Colorado Department of Higher Education
- The Denver park and parkway system : National Register theme nomination prepared for the Colorado Historical Society
- The Georgetown Loop : a capsule history and guide, Georgetown Loop Historic Mining and Railroad Park
- The New Deal in Colorado 1933-1942 : properties listed in the National register of historic places or the Colorado state register
- The New Deal in Colorado 1933-1942 : properties listed in the National register of historic places or the Colorado state register of historic properties
- The administration of vocational education and vocational rehabilitation : state plans governing Federal and State aided vocational education activities operating under the National and State Vocational Education Acts
- The association of student persistence in Colorado public higher education with Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP) scores and the admission eligibility index : a report presented to
- The degree dividend : building our economy and preserving our quality of life : Colorado must decide : Colorado's strategic plan for higher education
- The economic power of heritage and place : how historic preservation is building a sustainable future in Colorado
- The economic power of heritage in place: how historic preservation is building a sustainable future in Colorado. Technical report