HE Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment


Cleanup of clandestine methamphetamine labs guidance document
Cleanup of clandestine methamphetamine labs guidance document
"July 2003.", Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Climate change & Colorado : a technical assessment
Climate change & Colorado : a technical assessment
"September 1998.", Includes bibliographical references., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Climate equity framework
Climate equity framework
Includes bibliographical references (page 23), Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed April 2022)
Coal mining, preparing a stormwater management plan (SWMP)
Coal mining, preparing a stormwater management plan (SWMP)
The requirement to develop a SWMP prior to application for the general permit applies to all facilities. The applicant needs to develop a SWMP for their facility, and certify to the Division that it has been developed and implemented. The SWMP shall be prepared in accordance with good engineering practices., "COAL 5/95.", Description based on online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed May 2014)
Coffee roasting : an overview of air quality regulations
Coffee roasting : an overview of air quality regulations
Caption title., "Coffee Roasting Fact Sheet.", "10/22/06.", Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Coffee roasting : an overview of air quality regulations
Coffee roasting : an overview of air quality regulations
"04/01/2013." --Footer., Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed July 2017)
Coliform bacteria and drinking water
Coliform bacteria and drinking water
Caption title., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Colorado ... school immunization survey
Colorado ... school immunization survey
text file, Began with 2004/2005?, Ended with 2005/2006?, Title from cover; description based on 2004/05.
Colorado 1998 census of fatal occupational injuries
Colorado 1998 census of fatal occupational injuries
Description based on online resource; title from PDF cover; (viewed March 2012), "July 2000.", "In cooperation with: the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor.", Includes bibliographical references., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Colorado 2005 child care facility survey
Colorado 2005 child care facility survey
Cover title., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Colorado 2009 injong mit minjokbyŏl gŏngang gyŏkch'a, ch'onggwaljŏk yoyak
Colorado 2009 injong mit minjokbyŏl gŏngang gyŏkch'a, ch'onggwaljŏk yoyak
Gŏngang Gyŏkch'a Damdangsil (Office of Health Disparities), Colorado-ju Gongjungbogŏn mit Hwanggyŏngch'ŏng (Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment)., Title transliterated by cataloging agency., Description based on online resource; title from PDF cover; (viewed May 2015)
Colorado 2009 zhongzu yu minzu jiankang chayi, baoyao zhaiyao
Colorado 2009 zhongzu yu minzu jiankang chayi, baoyao zhaiyao
Jiankang Chayi Chu (Office of Health Disparities), Colorado Gonggong Weisheng Yu Huanjing Ju (Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment)., Title transliterated by cataloging agency., Description based on online resource; title from PDF cover; (viewed May 2015)
Colorado 2015 greenhouse gas inventory update including projections to 2020 & 2030
Colorado 2015 greenhouse gas inventory update including projections to 2020 & 2030
The Colorado Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2019 Update, including projections to 2020 and 2030, is a summary of Colorado's estimated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and sinks from 1990 to 2030. This update is the latest in a series of inventories of Colorado GHG emissions and sinks, and the second inventory completed using the EPA State Inventory Tool (SIT) model. The SIT model is intended to automate the calculation of emission estimates in a manner consistent with prevailing national and international guidelines., author: Sara Heald., "December 2019.", Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed March 2023)
Colorado 2015 public water system training strategy
Colorado 2015 public water system training strategy
This document is a culmination of 12 months of work to establish a direction for training services for certified water professionals over the next five years. This plan was built on a foundation of data analysis and stakeholder input, with a particular emphasis on focusing limited resources on services in the areas of greatest need and potential impact to strengthen the ability of all Colorado public systems to provide safe drinking water to the public., "July 2010.", Final, Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed May 2016)
Colorado 2021 greenhouse gas inventory update with historical emissions from 2005 to 2019 and projections to 2050 final publication
Colorado 2021 greenhouse gas inventory update with historical emissions from 2005 to 2019 and projections to 2050 final publication
A summary of Colorado's estimated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and sinks from 2005 to 2019 with projection s to 2050., author: Tim Taylor., Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed April 2022)
Colorado 5 year monitoring network assessment 2010
Colorado 5 year monitoring network assessment 2010
Cover title., "June 20, 2010., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Colorado : a guide to environmental regulations for restaurants & food service businesses
Colorado : a guide to environmental regulations for restaurants & food service businesses
"December 1999"--P. [4] of cover., Cover title., Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Colorado ACS Trauma Task Force final report
Colorado ACS Trauma Task Force final report
In 1995, the State of Colorado passed comprehensive, state-regulated, voluntary and inclusive trauma system legislation. With the passage of this legislation came rules regarding trauma center designation, trauma and EMS data collection and mandatory triage and transfer of severely injured patients to designated centers. To update procedures, CDPHE hosted the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Trauma System Consultation visit in May 2009. The purpose of the visit was to provide guidance to Colorado in the further development of the statewide trauma system. Subsequently the ACS site review team released a report on the findings and recommendations from that visit., "March 26, 2010.", Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed October 2017)
Colorado Air Quality Control Commission's 2017 revisions to regulation number 7, oil and gas emissions fact sheet
Colorado Air Quality Control Commission's 2017 revisions to regulation number 7, oil and gas emissions fact sheet
On November 16, 2017, Colorado's Air Quality Control Commission ("Commission") strengthened existing oil and gas control measures in Regulation Number 7 to comply with federal requirements and improve ozone levels., Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed April 2023)
Colorado Air Quality Control Commission's 2019 revisions to regulation number 7, oil and gas emissions and regulation number 3, permitting and APENs fact sheet
Colorado Air Quality Control Commission's 2019 revisions to regulation number 7, oil and gas emissions and regulation number 3, permitting and APENs fact sheet
On December 19, 2019, Colorado's Air Quality Control Commission (Commission) strengthened existing oil and gas control measures in Regulation Number 7 to further minimize emissions from oil and gas operations across the state. The Commission also revised Air Pollutant Emission Notice (APEN) and permitting requirements in Regulation Number 3., Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed April 2023)
