HCP Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
- Accountable care collaborative project
- Caption title., "November 1, 2011.", Description based on print version record.
- Actuarial report, Child Health Plan Plus, October 1997
- Caption title., "This actuarial report was developed at the request of the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing by Leif Associates, Inc.", Mode of access: World Wide Web.
- Adolescent well care qualitative study : final report
- Cover title., "September 2002.", Mode of access: World Wide Web.
- Adult Medicaid dental benefit
- "April 2014", Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed August 2017)
- Adults without dependent children
- This report provides detailed information on how Adults without dependent children programs have been designed, implemented, and monitored in other states and will provide lessons learned for Colorado as the Department finalizes its program design., Description based on online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed March 2013), "Submitted: June 28, 2011."
- Adults without dependent children
- "February 2011."--Footer., Description based on online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed January 2011)
- Adults without dependent children : 2010 regional stakeholder meetings report
- "May 2013"--Footer., Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed October 2018)
- Aged, blind, and disabled medical assistance user desk reference guide
- This reference guide covers program categories, rules and State Plan Options that affect Medicaid Eligibility for the Aged, Blind and Disabled (ABD) categories of Medical Assistance. These procedures coincide with the rules pertaining to these categories which can be found in 10 CCR 2505-10 Volume 8 under 8.100.6. There are different programs of ABD Medicaid. This section of the User Desk Reference Guide will cover the following programs: SSI-related Medicaid Programs; Medicare Savings Programs (MSP); Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (BCCP); Low-Income Subsidy Program (LIS)., Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed September 2017)
- Alternative care facility tiered rate structure development
- Cover title., "January 10, 2012.", Description based on print version record.
- Alternative funding strategies for community mental health centers during the COVID-19 state of emergency
- Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed October 2021)
- Ambulatory follow-up within seven days of hospital discharge for youth and adults for Colorado Health Partnerships, LLC
- Cover title., "June 2007.", The Balanced Budget Act (BBA) of 1997 (Public Law 105-33) requires that states conduct an annual evaluation of their managed care organizations and prepaid inpatient health plans to determine compliance with federal regulations and quality improvement standards. As one of the mandatory external quality review activities under the BBA, the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing is required to validate the performance improvement projects (PIP). To meet this validation requirement, the Department contracted with Health Services Advisory Group, Inc. (HSAG) as an external quality review organization.
- Amendment to suspend Medicaid eligibility, rather than eliminate eligibility for confined persons
- Title from second paragraph., "November 12, 2009.", Mode of access: World Wide Web.
- Annual report to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
- Read to Achieve Grant Program., text file, Nov. 1, 2001-, "Pursuant to Senate Bills 00-124 & 00-71 (22-7-506 C.R.S.).", "Issued by the Colorado Department of Education, Competitive Grants Unit.", Cover title.
- Annual report to the Colorado General Assembly and Governor. 2012
- text file, 2012 only issue published., Cover title.
- Audiology benefit billing and policy manual
- Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed November 2022)
- Beginning in the summer of 2006, the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing became aware of a unique opportunity to acquire critically needed office space
- Title from first line of letter., "October 5, 2006.", Description based on print version record.
- Behavioral health provider rate comparison report
- The Department of Health Care Policy and Financing's report for HB22-1268 on the Medicaid reimbursement rates paid to mental health providers. A progress report is required annually until 2025., Myers and Stauffer [and] CBIZ Optumas., "August 15, 2022.", Online resource; title from PDF cover (viewed October 2023)
- Behavioral health quality improvement strategy
- Cover title., "March 2005", Mode of access: World Wide Web.
- Behavioral health services during COVID-19 state of emergency
- Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed October 2021)
- Behavioral therapies for children evaluation
- report to the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing ; TriWest., Online resource; title from PDF caption (viewed October 2022)